Dartmouth Students attend Black belt grading
Dartmouth Karate Club had a very successful day on the 7th April. Two students, Luca Czerwinski and James Bright, passed their 1st Dan Black belt grading.
The grading was held in Paignton at the Karate Union of Great Britain’s week-long spring camp. Over 100 students up to 7th Dan had two training sessions per day under the very experienced and watchful eyes of the KUGBs top instructors. Both Luca and James have worked extremely hard in the last 6 months after their last grading in September.
The week’s training in Paignton is by its very nature designed to cover training from an absolute beginner right up to the highest grade black belts. The grading is quite stressful for the students, as the grading panel has 4 8th Dan instructors including the KUGBs chairman Sensei Frank Brennan. The boys showed clearly that they both have the knowledge, standard and commitment to pass the grade, and be awarded the words “pass shodan”by Sensei Brennan. Dartmouth Karate Clubs Chief instructor Sensei Kain Harper 4th Dan, said “ Both Myself and Sensei Richard Sinnott 2nd Dan are extremely proud of both of these guys for what they have achieved, it’s a very tough grading and one that really has to be earned.
Both of these guys have grown into young men that both their parents and us as a club are very proud.
Pictured are Luca and James with Senseis Frank Brennan 8th Dan, Billy Higgins 8th Dan, Jimmy Brennan 8th Dan, Gary Harford 8th Dan and Greg Hegarty 6th Dan.
Also pictured with club instructors Kain and Richard.
If you are interested in trying Karate, Dartmouth Karate Club train at Townstall Community hall on Mondays 7-8:30, Thursdays 6:30-8.
For any other information please go to the club’s website or Facebook page. Or call Kain on 07816897251.